What is Speech Writing
Speech writing is an art of writing used to outline a student’s or person’s thoughts and ideas for a public presentation.
Writing a speech is different from any other kind of Academic Writing like an essay, case study or a story. In writing a speech, a student always has a defined audience and a clear focus and it requires a cognitive learning and critical thinking, and organization of his thoughts into a full effective sentence.

Speech writing is very common part of studies in Singapore; every student is supposed to present a speech before they complete their academic session. Before you start writing a speech you need to learn little more about it.
Types of Speeches:
There are so many types of speeches all consist with using some different kind of techniques.
Informative Speech: This is the most common type of speech in school, college and universities. The aim of student here is to provide a thorough knowledge about the subject. It could be a five minute or 2 hour speech or anything in between that. Some examples are:
- A student talking about research
- A teacher is providing information about recent trends.
- An employer is talking about new strategies.
Persuasive Speech: This type of speech is given to persuade its audience or to convince them to think the way the speaker thinks or to change the way of doing certain things. Some examples are:
- Social media is creating a bad impact on the youngsters.
- Mobile phones and television are negatively influencing the children.
- Yoga is necessary to improve health.
Entertaining Speech: In this type of speech a speaker provides pleasure and enjoyment to make the audience laugh and entertain. Examples are:
- Things you will never get to know without movies.
- Life is like a dirty dorm.
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Special Occasions: This speech is when a speaker gives a speech on a special occasion to entertain, its audience. Examples of this:
- Campaign Speech
- Graduation Speech
- Wedding Toast
Useful steps before you start writing a speech:
- Make a plan:
- Select a type for your speech, “what type of speech you want to write”.
- Choose an appropriate enthusiastic topic.
- Find out the purpose “why you want to write a speech on this topic”
- Collect the appropriate information.
- Divide the information into the basic structure of speech: introduction, the body and the conclusion.
- Persuade your audience with your point.
- Create the first draft:
- Select your words wisely that is understandable and will be appreciated by your audience.
- Your speech should hook the attention of your audience and built an agreement with your topic.
- Your main focus should be on the central idea, keep repeating the main idea but in a different way.
- Whenever you want your audience will think about that specific point, give a pause that automatically takes a notice.
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How to write a speech:
Just like essay writing, speech writing is also composed with the 3 sections: an Introduction, the body and the conclusion part. You need to formulate your speech in such a way that keeps the attention of your audience and create a picture image in their mind.
- Introduction of speech:
- Start with a strong introduction that grabs the attention of your audience.
- To create a sense of belonging with the audience use the word “our” like: our school, our city, our team, our people etc.
- Create a proper purpose for your speech.
- Use the transition to start the body part.
- The body part of speech:
- The body part should consist of 3-4 arguments.
- Start the body part with the strongest argument. The weaker one in the middle and again the next stronger evidence in the last paragraph.
- The conclusion:
- Summarize everything whatever you have said and for what you come here.
- Leave an impression on the audience by presenting them with a steady question like “do you want something would be”?
- Give your audience a sense of your centre idea, bring them to the introduction, but this time be louder and use some other phrase.
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Some important point to remember while writing a speech:
- Before writing a speech, read some famous speeches that help you in creating your own speech paper.
- Remember at the stating only, you need to end it in a specific time so your audience will not get bored.
- Use precise words, phrases and quotations so your audience will enjoy your speech.
- You should properly use pauses and beats.
- Provide illustrations so the audience can relate your topic with some event.
- Once you finish with everything, try to deliver it to the same kind of audience so they can provide you with feedback.
- Read your speech 2-3 times loudly so you can evaluate your speech on your own.
If you follow all these steps you can write a powerful, well- structured and memorable speech.
If you want to write an appealing speech which can draw the attention of your audience then take help of expert writers at singaporeassignmenthelp.com, they can help you to create a mind-blowing speech.