What is Composition Writing
Composition writing is a procedure of putting words and making sentences in a conventional way. In brief the composition writing is another way of writing, which depends on a basic knowledge of the writing, grammar and language.
Generally, composition writing is given to the Irish students in their 1 year of college studies. It provides an opportunity to write about a topic and express their views in an intelligent way.

The purpose of Composition writing
- Interact with the others
- Provide them information
- To find out more information
- To influence others with the writing style
- To entertain with the language
Steps of writing a good Composition:
- Put all the ideas in a simple way so it could be easy to understand by readers.
- Organize the ideas and make a draft in a sequence.
- Structure the content, use the punctuation, grammar check in a very precise way.
- Evaluate the topic and understand the need of the reader.
- Include all the components
- The final draft of the topic
- Complete the writing with a review of it, rewrite it if necessary and then editing.
Types of Composition Writing:
There are many types of component writing. All of them have some specific rules. Types of composition depend on the topic of writing. However, in Singapore, students are asked by their faculty to write component among these 4 types
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- Exposition composition writing: In this type of writing student need to explain a specific situation or a character with a thorough analysis and tries to clear the whole situation to the readers.
- Narration Composition Writing: In such kind of writing the student explain or narrate the whole situation to its readers and tries to create an impression of the situation in the reader’s mind. Later on the whole situation is discussed in this type of
writing. - Descriptive Composition Writing: In this type of writing a student tries to present the situation in a realistic way so the reader can understand the writer’s point. The main purpose of this writing is to provide a real feel to the reader of the event or the situation.
- Argumentation Composition Writing: In this writing the student present their opinion and thought about a situation and try to convince the reader of his thought.
Components of Composition writing
While writing a component for the college is always follow the basic steps of writing. Prestige universities of Singapore like Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University and Singapore Institute of Technology follow the basic steps of component writing that are:
- Introduction of Component Writing: This is the first and the most important part of the writing. Present the main subject/ideas of the component in such a way that grab the reader’s mind and create interest so he read the whole content flawlessly.A thesis statement or a thesis question should present in the introduction part to aware the readers about the main objective of writing.
- The body part of Component Writing: Elaboration of the facts and views related to the thesis statement is presented in the body part. Usually, the body part subdivided into 3-4 paragraphs. Each paragraph contains the different information, and the relation of the information with thesis statement should be clearly visible. Generally, the first paragraph contains the elaboration of the information and the second one contains the examples which prove thesis statement validity and the third one is an argumentative part where student tries to justify the situation or facts and then make interferences for better understanding the topic.
- Conclusion: This is a final wrap statement of the Component writing. It should be clearly specify the justification of the topic. This should start with the thesis statements but in other ways. The finishing line of the writing should be attractive, clear and convincing.
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Tips to write a good Composition for students:
To write an effective, well understood and well structured component a student must follow these steps:
Make a plan: Planning is the most important step of every successful work. First of all plan everything, and then write down all the ideas roughly about
- What is the main theme
- How you get to know about the problem
- What is your point of view
- How to specify the problem
- How it reaches to end
Then organize everything according to the outline of writing.
- Presentation of writing: The presentation of writing should be in such admirable and clear so the reader can easily understand the whole picture easily.
- Place the Keywords: Put the suitable keywords at the right place. Keyword helps to make the component more impressive.
- Sentence framing: The sentences should be frame in the very attractive way. Use beautiful phrases, if required and use of transition properly.
- Idea explanation: The main purpose of writing should be specifying very clearly and it should be in the first paragraph to intrude reader why you are writing this.
- Read it, edit and rewrite it: The whole writing should be error free so before submission read it again and again, rewrite if necessary.
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This post covers all the basic knowledge of Composition Writing. There are some other more things required in writing a composition like grammar check, plagiarism free, use right vocabulary, proofread it and many more.
If you want assistance in any process, editing and proofreading then contact our experienced experts at SingaporeAssignmnetHelp.com
Our experts are working in this field for last 10 years and till now we have a data of working with 1000 students of the National University of Singapore.