Academic dishonesty
The lack of time, inadequate preparation, involvement in extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and fear of failure leads a Singaporean student towards academic dishonesty.

The burden of continuous assessment and online exams conducted by the educational institution of Singapore due to covid-19 situations also becomes a major contribution to academic misconduct. To cope up with academic stress scholars look for services such as Assignment helpers for Singaporean students to ensure outstanding grades.
What is academic dishonesty?
Academic dishonesty is a concept that defines the student actions that go against the code of conduct and expected norms of a learning institution, university, or school.
It is also also known as academic fraud, academic misconduct, and academic integrity.
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Types of academic dishonesty
Bribery– It is an act of giving a gift or money to the recipient to influence the action of academic misconduct.
Cheating– it includes the use of a calculator when not allowed, using crib notes, copying from other documents and collaborate with other students.
Deception– It includes giving false information to the professor such as making multiple submissions without their authorization.
Contract cheating– it is a type of impersonation where a student hires some other person or a third party to take his exam or complete the assignments on his behalf.
Fabrication– It involves falsification or counterfeiting of information. For example, modifying results that are not obtained while doing a laboratory experiment by a student.
Plagiarism– Plagiarism is defined as the use of another person’s words or ideas without his acknowledgement. When the work of another person is incorporated into one’s document. The different forms of plagiarism are
- Copying word for word of other person’s ideas
- paraphrasing
- Neglecting quotation marks on the text material that is to be acknowledged
- Fabrication of references
- Submission of some other person’s work as your own
Purchasing/ buying Assignment– buying an assignment online by paying a certain amount for it, to hire a writer, or pay for doing assignments, and submitting it to the institution is said to be misconduct.
Enlisting causes of academic misconduct
Incentives to cheat– some cheaters might have a psychological disease in which they make a rational choice to make academic misconduct known as kleptomania. Some students might think that academic dishonesty might be a shortcut for academic success.
Ethical causes– a student who personally doesn’t possess a moral ethic will cheat guilt-free. Some students disapprove of cheating as they have been internalized and taught that such misconduct is wrong. Their conscience is responsible for making them cheat or not.
Contextual causes– the social and academic environmental background of a student can be the reason for academic misconduct. Students who are encouraged primarily by extrinsic rewards and by grades are more likely to cheat. Peer pressure among students to gain good marks can also be a reason.
Personal and demographic causes– the demographic characteristics include Grade Point Average, Gender, and age. Younger students who are involved in extra activities are more likely to commit such misconduct.
Effects of academic misconduct
The Effect of academic misconduct shows directly on the educational system, educational institutions, teachers, and students.
- A teacher’s job is to enhance a student’s knowledge but cheating leads to the underproduction of knowledge. A student can be banned from the university or can be denied the right to take the exam.
- Education Institutions with high levels of academic dishonesty may become less attractive to students, employers, and potential donors.
- It affects the academic world as the basic mission of education is transferring knowledge.
- It creates the worst atmosphere for honest students and is not conducive to their learning progress.
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Methods of prevention of academic dishonesty
All parties involved in academic dishonesty must be punished.
- Honor codes- it is a code of conduct that involves a written honesty plan that is signed by the student and an examiner. It is the application and self-enforcement for all students to follow it.
- Make multiple test versions by arranging questions in random order.
- Make a new test every semester and don’t allow the use of cell phones, hats, brakes, or any such items.
- Communicate to students about policies on treating and taking counseling sessions
- Mixed judicial boards- students who found cheating are to be brought before faculty and board of students for punishment
- Legal consequences- academic misconduct may include lawsuits, loss of future projects, and can include fines.
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Frequently asked questions
Question 1. Can academic dishonesty affect a student’s career?
Answer: yes, if academic dishonesty is found in your academic records it can affect your chances of employment opportunities and career promotion.
Question 2. is an open book exam is a form of academic dishonesty?
Answer open book exams are not included in academic dishonesty if a student abides by the code of conduct and regulations set by the instructor.
Question 3. Are Singapore educational institutions strict towards if someone found involved in academic misconduct?
Answer Yes, Singapore educational Institutions are strict and can ban a student from future exams or from the university.