Updated on: 18th Dec 2020

Assignment Cover Page Writing Guide

Generally, almost every college or university scholar in Singapore must complete various assignments while pursuing their courses or degrees.

Assignment Cover Page Writing Guide

Assignment writing is one of the most significant academic tasks that directly impacts a student’s grades.

An attractive and impressive cover page can help students achieve better grades. It can grab the professor’s attention quickly and compel them to go through the entire assignment.

Thinking of how to make an effective university assignment cover page?

So here we will provide the essentials of a cover page and the best tips for making it compelling.

This article is important for students and would be a great help with your University assignments in Singapore.

What is A Cover Page of an Assignment?

An assignment cover page is a paper included after completing the assignment of different courses for a university by the students.

The cover page contains metadata containing important information about the assignment such as students’ names and course codes.

This helps in organising and managing assignments effectively.

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What is The Right Format for the Assignment Cover Page  

The assignment cover page is to be inserted in all types of assignments such as projects, essays, research papers, reflective writing, and Lab reports.

Many educational institutions in Singapore provide their custom guidelines for the assignment cover page. The styles and formats to design an assignment cover page for schools and universities may differ.
Here is the format that is commonly used on the cover page for an assignment.

  • Name of Institution/University
  • Academic year
  • Title of the assignment/ project
  • The subject of the assignment
  • Student’s details such as name, ID, roll number, etc.
  • Date of submission
  • Institution/University information

The other elements of the cover page might include a summary of the assignment, a comment section or box, and a declaration by the student stating the original work and no plagiarism.

7 Tips to Make Your Cover Page Effective.

These are the best tips that will help you design an effective cover page while making your assignment for universities and colleges in Singapore.

  • Fonts and display — Make use of simple, clear, and bold text, and avoid using fancy fonts.
  • Spelling and grammar — Review your assignment cover page for spelling errors before submission as it can create a bad impression on the reader.
  • Presentation — The cover page presentation is essential as it can create an impact on the professor; therefore, it should convey the best information.
  • Be honest — Avoid any kind of plagiarism or dishonesty as it can bring down your impression and grades.
  • Include your details — Make sure to include your personal details, such as writing your name in a bigger font size.
  • Most important is the flow of the cover page — The content should have a proper sequence and must be interconnected.
  • Keep a check on the word limit — The quality of the word is important, not the quantity. Make sure to include important points and don’t insert unnecessary stuff.

Different Assignment Front Page Styles Used in Singaporean Universities

To make the front page of an assignment eye-catching, you have to choose the best assignment front page writing style. As we all are well aware “your first impression can be your last impression.” The cover sheet is the first thing that your professors see and can have an immediate impact that can either break or make your academic grades.

Microsoft Word has simplified the process by providing ready-made cover page templates. It can be customised accordingly or used as it is. MS Word or Canve can also be used to make an English assignment cover page effectively.

You can apply one of these methods for designing an assignment cover page. Here are three commonly used writing styles to design a cover page:

 MLA Cover Page (Modern Language Association)

this reference in style is generally used in Humanities or arts-related fields

  • This page is double-spaced and the letters are centred.
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12
  • The first letter of each word should be capitalized except for very short words such as: the, and, of, or, a, an, in, to, for. Note: the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, regardless of what kind of word it is.
  • Type the name of your university, college or high school.
  • Skip to about one-third of the page and type your research paper title, including a subtitle if you have one.
  • Skip several lines down and type your name, your course name and number, your instructor name and your paper due date.

Example of  MLA Cover Page:

MLA Cover Page Example

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APA Cover Page (American Psychological Association) 

You can also design a cover page for an assignment in APA format. This style is commonly used in the social science field and the font size must be 12 and the font style is Times New Roman.

  • Running Head: Place the running head in your page’s header:
  • use the label “Running head:” then your shortened title (IN UPPERCASE LETTERS), align left
  • place the page number in this same header, but align right, begin with page number 1
  • this header should be 1 inch from the top. Some teachers say 1/2 inch is okay too.

Paper title: Place your paper’s title in the upper half of the page, centred, and capitalize the first letter of important words in your title.

Your Name: Place your name below your paper’s title, centred, double-spaced. If your paper has two or more authors, place the word “and” without a quote between the names.

Your University: Place your University’s name below your name, double-spaced.

Tips: If your professor requires you to include his/her name, course title, etc… place these below your University name, double-space, on separate lines.

Example of APA Cover Page

MLA Cover Page Example

CMS Cover Page(Chicago manual of style)

this referencing style is generally used in the Humanities field.

  • Set margins to 1” on each side
  • Do not put a page number on the title page
  • Use a readable font, preferably Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  • Center your title a third of the way down on the title page
  • The title and Subtitle (if applicable) should be in bold font, and the title case and the size may be slightly larger than the body text
  • Center the following information 7-8 lines down from the title
    • Your First and Last Name
    • The Course Number and Title
    • The Due Date of the Paper

Example of CMS Cover Page

MLA Cover Page Example

We have mentioned detailed information about the different cover pages with examples that you should know. Thus we hope that this blog really clears all your doubts regarding creating a cover page for an assignment and will be very helpful for you.
Still, if you have any doubts regarding the cover page or need assistance in academic writing then don’t hesitate and reach out to us anytime.

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Frequently asked questions

Question 1: How do I make a title page for an assignment?

Answer: An assignment title page involves information about the subject, the student, the instructor’s name, and an assignment title.
In many cases, the format for the assignment cover page is provided by the instructors.

Question 2: What is the difference between the title page, cover sheet, and cover page?

Answer: They all are the same and are on the very front page of your assignments.

Question 3: What is the difference between the project & assignment cover page?

Answer: the cover page of an assignment or project follows the same important points that are to be included, such as name, university details, etc.

Question 4: What is the position of the assignment cover sheet?

Answer: The assignment cover sheet is the topmost and the first page of your assignments.

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Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.