Conceptual Framework: Control Variables
This is a continuation of an article that explained what independent and dependent variables are and what a conceptual framework should contain. In this article, we will understand the meaning of control variables in a conceptual framework.

The incorporation of control variables in the dissertation conceptual framework can be helpful in proving the relationship between cause and effect by performing statistical analysis. Students studying in the college of Singapore generally face issues in proving the cause and effect relation which has a negative influence on results. Our dissertation writing team by writing this article is helping students in understanding the meaning of conceptual framework control variables.
What are the control variables in the dissertation’s conceptual framework?
Control variables in the conceptual framework are those variables which researcher can hold constantly during experiments. These are the type of variables which supports the independent variables in increasing or decreasing the influence on dependent variables. It is not very much essential for you to concentrate on such variables. Control variables have a significant influence on the dependent variable. It is the type of variables in the conceptual framework which helps in the extension of the independent variable.
But control variables have great significance in the research. If you don’t include control variables in the conceptual framework of your study then in such cases there are high chances of inaccurate results. The control variable in the dissertation conceptual framework is considered to be as relevant when you intend to prove the relationship between cause and effect by applying the statistical technique.
Example of control variables in a conceptual framework
Let’s see an example
Jackson spends many hours on study for getting good grades in exams. In this example there are two variables study hours which is an independent variable and exam grades are dependent variables. Now, let’s add control variables for expanding the original conceptual framework. The control variable we could here is “disease”. It can be assumed that if Jackson gets prone to specific diseases then such a situation can lead to a decrease in marks. The health of Jackson could have a significant influence on dependent variables that is study hours that could further have a negative influence on exam score. In simple words, if Jackson will fall ill then he would not able to study for hours that will have a negative effect on his exam score.
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When to include a control variable in a conceptual framework?
You can incorporate control variables in the conceptual framework if you intend to perform a survey and want to prove that the relationship between cause and effect. In the context of the above example of Jackson, by including the control variable and using the statistical analysis you can prove a relationship between study hours and exam scores. One of the best techniques is to prove a cause and effect relationship is that you can ask every student about their health. Incorporation of control variables in the dissertation conceptual framework is very much essential as without it you can’t show the relationship between cause and effect.
From the above article, it has been concluded that the incorporation of control variables in the conceptual framework is important for generating desired results. Another fact which has been discovered is that control variables are very much helpful in proving the relationship between cause and effect.