Dissertation Appendix
An appendix is a dissertation that is basically a section that consists of additional information that is not directly relevant to the study. College going students of Singapore often struggle to write a Dissertation Appendix. Our professional team of Singapore Assignment help will help you in developing the understanding of the different aspects of an appendix to a dissertation.

What is a Dissertation Appendix?
The appendices can be referred to as the collection of supplementary materials that you need to place at the end of the report. This section in the dissertation consists of data and other supporting documents. The appendix is considered to be a useful tool for providing additional information in the dissertation. You can utilize the appendix for making sure that the research paper is not so lengthy.
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Where to put the Dissertation Appendix?
You need to add an appendices at the end of the main body section of the dissertation. An Appendix can also be position in a separate document that you can submit along with your dissertation.
Role of Dissertation appendix
In the dissertation main body you need to provide clear and short information for supporting arguments. If you think that you have highly valuable information which is indirectly link to your topic. You can include such information in the appendix section of your research paper. The detail information which you don’t need immediately can be placed in the appendix section. By including the additional information in the Appendix you can keep your main content of dissertation focused.
Items to include in Appendices
The researcher can make use of appendices for different types of information such as :
- Results: Investigators can present outcomes in different ways such as in tables or figures. The main findings which are directly linked to research questions, can include the same in the main body of the dissertation. You can include some amount of information such as an explanation of sampling procedure, description of data collection and analysis technique in the appendix part of the dissertation.
You can also include the output of analysis in the dissertation Appendix. The researcher also places Transcript of interview in the appendix section of the dissertation. Sometimes, according to the University or college guidelines you also need to include the results of the analysis procedure in the Appendix.
- Further detail related to survey and interview: The more detail information about the survey and interview researcher generally includes in an appendix to the dissertation. It is very crucial for you to include detail about the survey and interview process so the reader can develop an understanding of the content in the conclusion.
- Copies of relevant letters and forms: If in case you have to use the questionnaire technique for the collection of data then in such case you can include questionnaire form in Dissertation appendix. Use of a number of abbreviations has been done while writing dissertations then you can include such a list in an appendix. If you have used more technical terms than you can create a glossary and put it into the appendix.
- Tables, figures and other graphics: If your dissertation contains too many graphs, charts, etc. then you can place it into the appendix.
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Formatting and Appendices
The researcher can opt to have a long appendix. You can interview transcripts, results and abbreviations in the appendix.
You should write an Appendix in capital words. It can also be written in lowercase. But it is very much essential for you to maintain consistency throughout the complete dissertation. You should use lowercase if you are referring to appendices in general.
For example, The appendices in the dissertation consist of additional information about both the interview and survey.
The writer can start each appendix on a new page and assign both numbers and clear titles. It makes it easier for the reader for finding the appendix. It is very much important for you to restart your numbering in every appendix.
Referring to an appendix
It is very crucial for you to refer to every appendix at least a single time in the main body of the dissertation. You can do this by mentioning the appendix and its number in parentheses.
- Refer to complete appendix
- It has been analyses from the interview ( see appendix 1) that ……
- Appendix 2 shows the correspondence exchanged with the company y.
- Refer to a component of an appendix
- The outcomes of investigation ( see appendix 2, table 1) demonstrate that
- The above statement means table 1 in appendix 2 provides an overview of correspondence with organization y.
From the above article it has been concluded that appendices consist of only additional information. Another fact which has been concluded is that an appendix helps in maintaining the focus on the main text.