PSY265: In Singapore, screening rates for cancer ie cervical cancer screening, breast cancer screening, and colorectal cancer screening: Health Psychology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject PSY265: Health Psychology

Question 1

In Singapore, screening rates for cancer i.e. cervical cancer screening, breast cancer screening, and colorectal cancer screening in both men and women are known to be relatively low. As part of this assignment, interview three people above the age of 40. At least one of your interviewees must be female.

Part A

Based on your interview, explain what are some factors that would motivate your interviewees to go for cancer screening (ask about all three cancers where applicable), and

what is seen to be some barriers for doing so. At least two unique motivating factors and barriers should be discussed for each condition and interviewee

Part B

Using a psychological theory/model of your choice, appraise the behaviours gathered from your three interviewees.

Part C

Based on the responses gathered and the research done in part (b), develop a poster to encourage and educate people above the age of 40 to go for cancer screening. Poster instructions:

Make sure you include evidence on why it is important to go for cancer screening.

Include heading(s) that are tailored to communicate the content/message of the poster.

The poster should be self-explanatory and tailored to the audiences’ unique needs

If images/photos are used, please ensure these will not be perceived as offensive by members of the public and maintain anonymity and confidentiality (i.e., no facial recognition).

The poster can be developed using any software of your choice. Upon completion of the poster, export this as an image in JPEG/PNG format.

Append this image after your answer to Part (b) for submission. The JPEG/PNG should not exceed one page in the word document.

References unique to the poster should be clearly listed at the bottom of the poster in the same JPEG/PNG. The reference list must follow APA 7 format

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