Would Sun Tzu judge that Russia’s leaders effectively used his conception of strategy: Evolutionary Strategic Thought Assignment, Singapore

Subject Evolutionary Strategic Thought

Question: Would Sun Tzu judge that Russia’s leaders effectively used his conception of strategy to annex Crimea (2014)? Justify your answer.

Strictly use the reading below

Derek M. C. Yuen, “Deciphering Sun Tzu,” Comparative Strategy, 27 (2), 2008. pp. 183- 200. Michael Kofman, et. al., Lessons from Russia’s Operations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2017, 5-32 (Chap 2 The Annexation of Crimea).

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https:/www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1498.html Elina Lange-Ionatamisvili, Analysis of Russia’s Information Campaign Against Ukraine.

Examining non-military aspects of the crisis in Ukraine from a strategic
communications perspectives. Riga: NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence, 2015, 40 p.
https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/russian_information campaign public 1201201 6fin.pdf

Bettina Renz, “Russia and ‘hybrid warfare,’” Contemporary Politics 22 (3) (2016), 283- 300.

Lawrence Freedman, “Ukraine and the Art of Crisis Management,” Survival 56 (3) (2014), 7-42.

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